The Top 7 Gas Guzzlers of 2007

| среда, 19 августа 2009 г.

gas pump

The top gas guzzlers of the 2007 model year read like a veritable who’s who of high end automotive performance. In fact the top seven gas guzzlers of the year are all high performance cars – not a Hummer or SUV in sight. That’s not to say, of course, that the behemoth from GM has suddenly become a green icon. The gas guzzler list for 2007 merely reflects the fact that as horsepower goes up fuel economy generally heads in the other direction.

Of course the price tags of the top seven gas guzzlers on our 2007 list indicate the fuel costs are not the primary considerations of the owners of these fine tuned machines. After all, those who can afford a Lamborghini, a Ferrari or a Bentley are unlikely to fret over the high cost of gasoline.

Those of us with more pedestrian tastes and more limited fuel economy may need to take a hard look at the true cost of our wheels, but for now sit back and take a look at the gas guzzling ways of these high end cars. (more…)

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